Join our Fall book club! We’re reading “The Guru’s Gift: An Ethnography Exploring Gender Equality with North American Sikh Women” by Cynthia Mahmood and Stacy Brady. This book club will be hosted by Harleen Kaur & Guntas Kaur.
This ethnography looks at young Sikh women in the North America who are trying to figure out what the Sikh idenity means to them, along with a few who have started wearing dastars as a symbol of the empowerment within Sikhi. Learn about the 13 different women’s journeys.
How to Participate:
Step 1: Save the Date! 7:00pm Central Time, November 3, 2021 (Mata Sahib Kaur’s Birthday)!
Step 2: Sign Up for the Kaur Life Book Club Discussion: https://forms.gle/TnUXZ2u7bHzJr1D1A
Step 3: Buy or borrow the book. Here’s a free PDF version for you to read!
Unfortunately, the one below is not the best quality. You can, instead, access a free PDF through Sikh National Archives here. Please note you first must create an email login to have access and then open it by clicking “read” to view it in the website
Step 4: Read the entire book. Don’t worry, it’s super short. Only 123 pages.
Step 5: Join the discussion! Once you sign up, we will email you a Zoom link.