
Sikh News


Below is a list of Sikh news sources and blogs. If there is a Sikh news source or blog that has been helpful to you and it’s not listed here, please share it. Please note that the content and message of the sites below do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of Kaur Life.

Sikh Net

SikhNet provides a global virtual community for Sikhs and all those interested in the Sikh way of life.

Sikh Chic

Sikh Chic is a daily magazine on the art and culture of the Sikh Diaspora.

American Turban

American Turban is a blog of the Sikh American experience.

The Langar Hall

The Langar Hall seeks to give analysis to today’s events from a Sikh point of view.


Kaurista is an online lifestyle magazine created to challenge and empower women to speak their mind on topics that matter to them.