The following photos of Sikh women are from 1900s to 1970s. If you have old photos of Sikh women that you’d like to share, send them to! To see other vintage photos we’ve featured, click here.

A Sikh girl and boy in London, by Henry Grant. 1970s. Source:

Sikh mother holding child as she washes her feet before entering Harmindar Sahib (Golden Temple) for services as other women wait their turn. September 01, 1946. Credit: Margaret Bourke-White. Source:

Newspaper clipping from The Illustrated Weekly of India dated May 3, 1959. Balbir Singh & Jasbir Kaur, daughter of S. S. Singh at Ramgarh. Source:

Passport photos of Kartar Kaur and husband Magh Singh, for their travels from India to Fiji. c.1930s. Source:

Two Sikh boys and a girl in the UK. Circa: 1960s. Source:

Husband and wife, Kartar Singh Sangha and Nachattar Kaur, with their Shanghai born children and a Chinese amah. The little boy in the middle Ranjit Singh Sahgha. 1936.Source:

Sikh families fly to the UK from Kenya. 1972. Source:

A 1913 photograph of an Indian woman emigrant. at Ellis Island, USA. Her attire is described as ” genuine harem skirt”. May or may not be Sikh. Source:

A worshiper explaining, for the benefit of the European audience, that a large part of the Sikh religion is woven in songs. January 01, 1938| Credit: John Phillips. Source:

Dr Armjit Chopra marries Daman Chatwal in a traditional Sikh wedding.
February 27, 1966| Credit: Stroud. Source: