This week’s Throwback Thursday takes you to 1930 to 1978. Thank you all for your submissions! If you have vintage photos of Kaurs, we’d love to post them! Share them with us at Enjoy!

The photograph, circa 1930, came in a lot of photographs which was recently purchased from a second hand book store. This picture belongs to the family of Major BS Virk of 1st Sikh. It is most likely that Mr. Virk was a Major in 1930s. Source: Punjab Digital Library.

October, 9 1947: Hindu and Sikh women and children arriving at Bombay on the British-India liner dOwarkaf after their flight from Pakistan. Photo by Keystone/Getty Images.

1947. Punjab. Sikh husband & wife (Amar Kaur & Kartar Singh Sangha), with their children. Husband’s younger brother stands in the back. Private collection.

Circa 1960s. Punjab. Inder Singh and his wife, Kanwal Deesh Kaur with their niece. In the back stands Inder’s mother, Jai Kaur. Source: Private collection.

Authors & writers at a meeting of the Panjabi Sahit Sabha in June of 1978. Source: Punjab Digital Library.

Circa 1970. Sisters Arvinder Kaur Bedi and Amardeep Kaur. Taken during a road trip to Kashmir. Source: Sukhmeet Singh’s private collection.
View other vintage photos of Kaurs!