
The Meaning of Kaur: A Poem

By Sharron J Dunham

A truthful woman
real and authentic in her movements
Kaur is her own kind of queen
as she rules over her obstacles and difficulties
she summons the rights within herself
she can overcome temptation
she is determined
and holds herself without lies or cowards
her force lies in dignity and power
takes rule over herself
and stands firm
her function is to indicate
an influence an eternal grace within herself
she is hopeful with a gentle and positive demeanor
and at times stops and bares in mind her fragility of nature
she stands with a confident approach
and finds her strength when called upon
this vibrant woman cannot be easily broken
nor can be broken with negative emotion
does not lack the power of reasoning
when she knows it is to be given to her self
through decency and dignity she holds her thoughts
to her chest she will keep a tidal wave of noble treatment
In every moment the regal in her explains in the quietness
she forges her blessed state forward
regardless of any opposing persons that want to entrap or entice
she maintains her desires at the front of her enquiring mind
direction and influence helps her stance
and has learnt the art to harness energy and will power with efficiency
with significant impact under her own nurturing guidance
she can challenge engrained habits and develop dynamic passion in general
her generosity proceeds her
as she takes an assertive leap forward
breaking through limitations and restrictions
by using her power constructively
fear is suppressed that once took on a horrifying shape
struck down with her mighty sword
strong, forceful, determined and unswerving
her mind as sharp as the blade and never losing focus
she knows her attributes are given to her by greatness
and through it she will express her reason
the strong code of behavior and negative pursuits are lost to her
Kaur – the enabler that offers her innate dynamism
she will be blessed for her forthright influence to rally her female counterparts
a blood that races and never stagnant
Kaur – is full to her brim with a truth of carriage.

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