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Community Organizations

Check out these organizations and initiatives that are trying to support and empower people. The ones with asterix (*) are Sikh specific, while the others are South Asian-focused.

Please note that Kaur Life does not necessarily endorse these organizations and cannot speak to their financial efficiency and responsibility, accountability, governance, practices, ethics, etc. This list is for reference only.

Domestic Violence and Gender Based Violence

*The Sikh Family Center’s promotes the health and well-being of Sikhs across the U.S., with a special focus on ending gender-based violence. SFC integrates intervention, prevention, and education services, with particular attention to community-based solutions, grassroots empowerment, cultural tradition, and immigration experience.

*The Sikh Awareness Society (SAS) is a community based, non-profit organization formed in 1998 by the British Sikh community who felt an urgent need to raise awareness of sexual abuse, violence and grooming of young Sikhs. Area Served: UK.

*The Sikh Helpline  strives to provide support for Sikhs who face racism, family problems, school problems, immigration issues, employment challenges. Area Served: Australia.

Karma Nirvana is a hotline for troubled women. It is an organization supporting all victims of honor based abuse and forced marriage. Jasvinder Sanghera, who was born into a Sikh family set up the organization and speaking out against honor killings. Area Served: UK.

Raksha is a non-profit serving the South Asian community since 1995. Raksha’s mission is to promote a stronger and healthier South Asian community through confidential support services, education, and advocacy.

Apna Ghar provides holistic services and conducts advocacy across immigrant communities to end gender violence.

Daya serves south Asian women, children and men in the Houston area who have been the victims of domestic violence or sexual assault.

Sakhi for South Asian Women exists to represent the South Asian diaspora in a survivor-led movement for gender-justice and to honor the collective and inherent power of all survivors of violence.

Manavi has a mission to end all forms of violence against women specifically addressing the unmet needs of South Asian women affected by violence.

Mental Health

The Hume Center is run by psychologists who are of South Asian descent. Areas served: California.

CHAI takes a holistic approach to providing proactive, culturally competent information and referrals on mental health. Area served: Maryland.

Taraki works with Punjabi communities to create spaces where all individuals can access mental health awareness, education, and support to better care for themselves and one-another. Based in: UK.

Soch Mental Health – The goal of Soch Mental health is to break the stigma around mental in the South Asian Community through awareness and education.

Raabt – mental health awareness for the Punjabi community.

Discover more counseling organizations on Kaur Life’s psychological support page.

Environmental Issues in Punjab

*EcoSikh is an environmental organization that engages Sikhs in the environmental issues in Punjab, India and the world through awareness, action, and advocacy. 

*Guru Nanak Bagh Garden – Located in Punjab, India this garden will be the first of its kind to exhibit the entire range of trees/plant species referred in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib along with the related Gurbani quotes.

Progressive Youth Forum is committed to rural development in Punjab, India through grass roots organization.

Kheti Virsa Mission is committed to organic farming in Punjab, India and pushes back against the Green Revolution.

Farmer Suicides in Punjab

Adopt a Family Adopt-A-Family is a project through which Saanjh (501c3) supports the critical work of Baba Nanak Education Society, a Punjabi non-profit known for its diligent, steadfast and passionate work in Punjabi villages. Saanjh’s Adopt a Family program provides a mechanism to adopt families in Punjab where the primary breadwinner has committed suicide, which only multiplies the distress for the surviving family.

Healthcare in Punjab

The Punjab Institute supports sustainable healthcare solutions for women and girls in Punjab, India.

Civil Rights

*Sikh Coalition is a legal advocacy organization in the US that works to protect the constitutional right to practice Sikhi without fear.

*World Sikh Organization of Canada promotes and protects the interests of Sikhs in Canada and around the world and advocates for the protection of human rights for all.  

Education in Punjab

*Sikh Human Development Foundation helps bright but financially disadvantaged students in Punjab, India and neighboring areas to rise to their full potential through higher education and training.

Educate Punjab promotes higher education amongst the less fortunate people of Punjab. 

*Mata Bhaag Kaur Educational Fund is a fund created to provide financial assistance to disadvantaged Gursikh girls.

People who are undocumented in the USA

Project Ghar Baahar aims to provide resources and sangat for those who are being held in immigration facilities due to their status in the United States.


*Sarbat is a volunteer led group addressing LGBT issues from a Sikh perspective. 

* Saanjh The LGBTQ is a safe space for queer Sikhs.

Queering Desi  A podcast that celebrates South Asian LGBTQ+ folks.


Indian Feminist – 2 kickass Punjabi girls smashing the patriarchy 1 post at a time.

Binti Period – A charity striving to end menstrual shame and stigma while providing sanitary/menstrual products to girls and women in the UK, India, US, Nairobi, Africa.

Pink Ladoo – a global campaign changing social norms by inspiring south Asians to celebrate girls’ births. 

Feminism in India – an intersectional feminist platform to learn, educate and develop a feminist consciousness among the youth.

Unique Home for Girls – a home in Punjab for abandoned female children run by Praksh Kaur.

Higher Education

*Jakara’s Sikhiya Program – this initiative provides support, mentoring, and application counseling for individuals applying to undergraduate programs in the US.


 South Asians for Black Lives – Educating South Asians on dismantling anti-Blackness and exploring SA identity. 

If you know of any Sikh or South Asian organizations or initiatives that strives to make the world a better place, please share them with us! info(at)kaurlife.org